Public Programs

Redwood Region Audubon Society offers free programs monthly from September to May.

Most of these programs are also available live on Zoom, and can be viewed with links provided here.

We also record most of them, and provide links to the recordings.

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Join us for our free monthly program on

Thursday, January 16 at 7:00 p.m.

To Southern California, Brazil, and Back:

First GPS Tracking of Oregon Vesper Sparrow and Western Purple Martin Migration

Presented by Sarah Rockwell

One of the biggest challenges in identifying ways to help migratory birds is that we don’t know where they are most of the year. Without this basic information, it is challenging to identify and prioritize conservation actions.

The Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO), along with partners at USFS, USGS, Cape Arago Audubon, and Avifauna Northwest, is using GPS tags to track the migratory routes and overwintering locations of both Oregon Vesper Sparrow and Western Purple Martin, two imperiled subspecies unique to the Pacific Northwest.

Archival, lightweight GPS tags placed on small songbirds have been available for about a decade, and they are revolutionizing our understanding of bird migration and migratory connectivity. These are the first studies with these subspecies—the first to track them with GPS technology year-round!

These birds have returned with fascinating information, revealing discoveries about their incredible journeys, including unexpected lengthy fall stopovers, and for Purple Martins, winters on the beach in southeastern Brazil.

In this talk, Sarah will share photos and maps from this research, and give a peek into the amazing window we now have into the incredible voyages these birds undertake.

Dr. Sarah Rockwell is a Senior Research Biologist at KBO, where she manages several research programs studying the ecology of bird species of conservation concern, and monitoring birds at riparian, oak, and coniferous restoration sites. Sarah manages KBO’s Oregon Vesper Sparrow research program, studying nest success, survival, and habitat needs to better understand the causes of their decline and potential conservation actions.

Sarah joined KBO in 2013 after completing her PhD at the University of Maryland and Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, where she studied the ecology of the then-endangered Kirtland’s Warbler in her home state of Michigan. She earned her BA in Biology in 2002 from Kalamazoo College, where she fell in love with birds during her study abroad experience in Ecuador. She lives in Ashland, Oregon, with her husband and four-year-old daughter.

To watch the recording, you will need this passcode:


Watch the recording of the program on Zoom here.

Sam and Sarah doing night banding

Photo by Daniel Farrar

Tracking Bats Using Motus amd Radio-telemetry

Motus is a collaborative automated radio-telemetry system established to learn about the behavior and migration of small, mobile species. Originally envisioned to learn about movements of birds it has increasingly been used to learn about the movements of bats.  Researchers in California have used the system over the last few years to study the seasonal movements of hoary bats.  The work with Motus has resulted in detection of hoary bats tagged in northwestern California to be detected in British Columbia, Nevada, and Baja California.  This work has important conservation implications as hoary bats are the bat species that is most frequently killed at wind energy facilities and most of the fatalities occur during the period of autumn migration.  Results of this work have triggered a re-evaluation of how biologists think about the seasonal movements of bats and the challenges associated siting wind energy facilities to minimize impacts on bats.


Ted Weller is an ecologist with US Forest Service’s Pacific Southwest Research Station in Arcata.  He has worked with bats in northwestern California for over 20 years, investigating various aspects of the behavior and ecology and devising means of monitoring their populations. He has a long-standing research program with hoary bats investigating aspects of their natural history especially in regards to aspects that make them vulnerable to fatalities at wind energy facilities. His field site in northern California is the most productive site in the world for encountering hoary bats allowing him and his colleagues to break new ground in understanding the behavior of these fascinating and beautiful animals.  

You can view the recording of this program using the link below. You will need this passcode:


Watch the recording of the program on Zoom here.

"What’s Song Got To Do With It? 

The ‘Mystery’ of Humpback Whale Song”

with Jeff Jacobsen

Song is an integral part of our daily lives: top 40’s radio, guitar and campfire, traditional tunes, and spontaneous improvisation. Did we learn song from birds, part of our evolutionary landscape, or are we just projecting our definition of song onto them, or both?  Is song an honest signal of fitness?  Was song a step on the way to language? 

And how the heck could a big fat wet naked nose breathing mammal that hasn’t heard a bird in millennia contribute to the conversation? 


Jeff will review what has been learned about humpback whale song since the ‘70s, include our research at Isla Socorro Mexico (along with an update on bird conservation there), and end with zero conclusions to the above questions whatsoever. Please bring your observations, definitions, and or questions about song.

The live program is held at Six Rivers Masonic Lodge, 251 Bayside Road, Arcata.
 Drinks and goodies will be served at 7:00 p.m. and the program will start at 7:30 PM.


Michael is pictured here with an adult Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)

in coastal Humboldt County


An Overview of CDFW Lands

and Ongoing Restoration Projects

with Michael van Hattem

Senior Environmental Scientist Supervisor

Coastal Conservation Team -

Habitat Conservation Program

Michael's current interests include environmental law and impact assessment, the conservation of Species of Special Concern and Sensitive Natural Communities, wetland science, herpetology and avian monitoring.

is a wildlife biologist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.  He received his B.S. from Humboldt State University and his M.S. from San Jose State University.

This was an informative presentation about CDFW restoration of the Eel River Estuary. Lots of time, effort, and money has gone into improving habitat for wildlife and recreation opportunities for people. 

Watch the recording here

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Thursday, March 21, at 7:00 p.m.

Life Among the Marbled Murrelets

with Craig Strong

Hear about Craig's life among the Marbled Murrelets off our the Northern California coast and the most recent abundance estimates and population trends.

Craig first went to the Farallon Islands at age twelve under the guidance of Dr. David Ainley. Since then he has been a naturalist and marine scientist in learning. He studied at Evergreen State College and UC Santa Cruz, where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Biology. He completed an MS in Marine Sciences at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories.

Craig has focused on seabirds in the California Current since 1976 and, more specifically, on Marbled Murrelets since 1992. For the past twenty-four years, he has been the sole independent researcher on the Northwest Forest Plan’s Marbled Murrelet effectiveness monitoring team, among a host of dedicated agency personnel.


Photo by Craig Strong

Watch the recorded program on Zoom here.

You will need to use this passcode:  sET9=VK*


Join us on Thursday, January 18, at 7:00 p.m. 

"One California Condor’s Story:

A New Exhibit at Cal Poly Humboldt’s Wildlife Department."

Presented by Tamar Danufsky

Last year Cal Poly Humboldt’s Wildlife Department put a new specimen on display, a spectacular California Condor. Former Curator Tamar Danufsky will talk about this bird’s story, the hurdles to acquiring the carcass, and the challenges faced in preparing the bird and putting it on exhibit. With condors finally soaring again in Humboldt skies, here is the opportunity to learn about the plight of this critically endangered species through the story of one bird.

Tamar has worked in the field with seabirds, songbirds, raptors, bears, and beetles. She has a master’s from Humboldt studying shorebirds on Humboldt Bay and was the curator of the CPH Wildlife Museum for 23 years.

The live program is held at Six Rivers Masonic Lodge, 251 Bayside Road, Arcata.
 Drinks and goodies will be served at 7:00 p.m. and the program will start at 7:30 PM.

This program was recorded. You may enjoy it here.

You will need this access code to view the presentation:


Thursday, December 21

 “Birds and Mammals of Brazil” 
Presented by Roy Lowe 

In the fall of 2022, Roy Lowe went to Brazil for birding and photography. On the first leg of the trip, he visited the Atlantic Rainforest where only 8-10% of this ecologically diverse habitat remains supporting many rare and endemic birds. Roy then traveled to the Brazilian Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetland. The primary focus here was to observe and photograph jaguars in their native habitats, but there were many other mammals and birds to enjoy as well.

Roy Lowe is a resident of Waldport, Oregon. He graduated from Humboldt State University with a BS Degree in Wildlife Management in 1977. He was employed with the US Fish and Wildlife Service for more than 37 years and started his career working in the Ecological Services Division in the Southeastern US. In the early 1980’s, Roy worked at the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex which at the time included Humboldt Bay and Castle Rock NWRs and he spent the final 30 years of his career working on the Oregon Coast. At the time of his retirement, Roy was the Refuge Manager of the Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex. In retirement, he has worked with the Paulson Institute and World Wildlife Fund – Hong Kong to assist with training of coastal wetland managers in the People’s Republic of China and since 2017 he has been monitoring the return of western snowy plovers to Lincoln County, Oregon following a 39-year absence.

The program starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Six Rivers Masonic Lodge, 251 Bayside Road, Arcata.  Hot drinks and goodies will be served at 7 p.m. so bring a mug to enjoy shade-grown coffee. Please come fragrance-free.
This program was recorded. You can watch it here.

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Thursday, November 16, 7:30 pm

Where the Heck Are the Snares?

The Story of Ecological Recovery in the New Zealand Sub-Antarctic

by Andrea Tuttle

The remote islands south of New Zealand are home to many endemic species of birds and marine mammals, but all have been subjected to the ravages of sealers and penguin oil dealers bringing cats, rats, and rabbits. After several false starts in eradication efforts, and many millions of dollars later, victory has finally been declared in the Macquarie and Campbell islands.

Andrea takes us on an exciting travelogue of a Christmas 2022 trip with National Geographic that offers spectacular scenes of the flora and fauna of these windswept outposts and tells the story of the hard-fought recovery of the endemic Campbell Teal, long declared extinct.

Andrea Tuttle is a retired bird duffer, having received much of her birding education on walks with RRAS. Professionally her career has focused on forest and climate policy, including attendance for twelve years as an Observer at the UN Framework Committee on Climate Change negotiations, appointments on the California Coastal Commission and North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, and service as the first woman director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.


To use the link below to watch the recording, you will  need to use this passcode:


This program was recorded. You can view it here.

“Is Floating Offshore Wind

a Good Option for the Pacific Northwest?”

Presented by Mike Graybill

Thursday, October 19, at 7:00 p.m. 

Over the past several years, the US Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has initiated efforts to lease large areas of the Pacific Ocean to businesses intending to develop floating, large-scale electric power plants.

Unlike most other areas where offshore wind turbines have been installed, the continental shelf in the windy region of the Pacific Northwest is narrow, severely limiting the opportunities to mount wind turbines on foundations fixed directly to the seabed. Producing electricity from wind in the deep waters of the Pacific coast will involve the installation of hundreds of the largest wind turbines ever built mounted on massive floating foundations anchored to the seabed.

Mike Graybill will present an overview of the technology and challenges associated with building, installing, maintaining, and distributing electricity produced using the winds that blow off our coast.

Mike is a marine scientist, educator, and conservation professional who has been based on the southern coast of Oregon for over 50 years. His familiarity with the coastal and ocean ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest has engaged him in a variety of coastal conservation and development activities including, nearly 30 years as the manager of the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve in Coos Bay, a protected watershed on the Coos Estuary dedicated to research and education focused on improving the management and understanding of coastal environments.   

This program on off-shore wind energy was recorded. You can view it here!

Yvonne Verkuil - April 2004, releasing freshly color-banded ruffs
Photo by Jan Wijmenga

Watch the recording here!

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Thursday, September 21

7:30 p.m.

“Ruffs — the Ephemeral Shorebird”

with Yvonne Verkuil

Join us in person or on Zoom, for our program entitled “Ruffs — the Ephemeral Shorebird” by Yvonne Verkuil.

Ruffs are mostly known for their extravagant looks, with the males sporting colorful ruffs and tufts in unique combinations of patterns and colors. Their displays on the mating grounds are a spectacular sight.

In this talk, Yvonne will focus on the more hidden complexity of their mating system, with unexpected male and female roles that are equally spectacular. The talk will also touch on the capacity of Ruffs to react to changes in their environments. They appear quickly in areas where conditions are right (again). This has led to apparent flexible usage of migration routes through Europe and large-scale shifts of breeding grounds in Scandinavia and Russia in the last decades.

Yvonne Verkuil is a Dutch ecologist, based near Humboldt Bay since 2022, with a lifelong passion for shorebirds. She did her master's research on Red Knots migrating through Western Europe and on the shorebird community of the Sivash, Ukraine. She received her Ph.D. in Biology in 2010 at the University of Groningen based on her studies of Ruffs and did postdoctoral work on rufa Red Knots at the Royal Ontario Museum in Canada. In the past decade, she continued her population genetics research on shorebirds and developed a methodology for DNA-barcoding bird diets. Since 2008 she has dedicated her free time to promoting shorebird conservation and research, mostly through her roles as chair (until 2020) of the International Wader Study Group and as journal editor of Wader Study. She currently works (remotely) for the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and does fieldwork on breeding Pied Avocets with the Lowland Ecology Network.

The live program is held at Six Rivers Masonic Lodge, 251 Bayside Road, Arcata. It will be simultaneously Zoomed—go to for the link. Drinks and goodies will be served at 7:00 p.m. and the program will start at 7:30 PM.

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Wednesday, May 17

"Bar-tailed Godwits: A personal history of excessive flying”.

by Dr. Jesse Conklin

In this talk, Jesse will discuss how his own career in ornithology, including 18 years of research on Alaska-breeding Bar-tailed Godwits, has been irreparably entwined with the quest to understand just how far a bird can fly. Each year, these birds make a round trip of more than 30,000 kilometers between Alaska and their non-breeding areas in New Zealand and Australia. Jesse will discuss how our understanding of the godwits’ incredible trans-Pacific migration has evolved over time with advancements in tracking technology, and how much we still don’t know.


Jesse grew up in southern California and received a BSc in Graphic Design from San Jose State University in 1990. After learning that you could theoretically get paid to look at birds, he threw away that career and came to Humboldt State University, where he received an MSc in Wildlife in 2005, studying Dunlin in Humboldt Bay. Continuing to study migratory shorebirds, he has worked extensively in Alaska, received a Ph.D. in Ecology from Massey University in New Zealand in 2012, and did 10 years of post-doctoral research while based in The Netherlands. He has been Editor-in-Chief of the ornithological journal Wader Study since 2015. Now an independent researcher focusing on migration behavior and population genetics of shorebirds, Jesse recently moved back to Humboldt County, because it is just nicer than Europe.

This program was recorded. There were technical difficulties early in the program, so you may want to fast forward for 20 or 30 minutes.

The link below will take you to the recording. You will need the following passcode:


Watch the recording here.

Jesse Conklin with a male Bar-tailed Godwit captured in Nome, Alaska on 25 June 2009.

Photo by Murray Potter.

Join us for our monthly program!

Wednesday, April 19, 7:30 pm

“Wallacea or Just Kicking Around in Indonesia"

With Gary Friedrichsen

Gary will first discuss Alfred Russel Wallace, “The Father of Biogeography” including his early thoughts on evolution, and his travels in the Malaysian archipelago.

The talk will also feature Gary’s recent trip to the islands of Sulawesi, Halmahera, and West Papua including photos of the avifauna and other aspects of Indonesian life.

Gary has lived in Humboldt County since attending  Humboldt State College in 1964. From 1970 - 2000 he resided in the famous duck hunting shack at the mouth of Jacoby Creek and served as the duck clubs’ caretaker.

He graduated from HSU in 1974 and began working for the National Marine Fisheries Service out of La Jolla, California, first as a biologist aboard tuna seiners working in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, and then as a researcher on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration vessels surveying dolphins in the same area. He also commercial fished for salmon and crab in the off-season.

He has been a member of the Redwood Region Audubon Society for 40 years and has served on the Board for seven years.

The live program will be held at the Six Rivers Masonic Lodge, 251 Bayside Road, Arcata. It will be simultaneously zoomed. Hot drinks and goodies will be served at 7:00 p.m. so bring a mug to enjoy shade-grown coffee. Please come fragrance-free.

You may also watch the program on Zoom here.

Wednesday, March 15 at 7:30 p.m.

“Earbirding in Humboldt County: Recording, Editing, and Learning Birdsongs”

by Robert Childs.

Robert will talk about his motivations and procedures for creating the website, and share tips for identifying birds using their songs and calls. This will include descriptions of how to use your phone to record and learn bird songs, along with steps for using easy-to-use sound editing software to turn your recordings into phone alarm sounds or for submissions to Cornell Labs.

Robert believes that many people who spend time outdoors are interested in birds but are stymied by the difficulty of spotting them in the foliage. Learning a few birdsongs for each of our habitats adds a whole new dimension to being in nature! Robert will be playing recordings of some unusual local bird sounds that casual birders might not be familiar with, some sounds made by mammals that are commonly mistaken as bird sounds, and some of his favorite bird recordings from Guatemala and Australia.

Robert received a BS in Wildlife Management from the University of Missouri, Columbia in 1975, and then taught high school sciences in the state for nine years, including short courses in Ornithology and Entomology. After working summers in Sequoia National Park and starting a company that took people rappelling into vertical caves in Mexico, he and his wife moved to Humboldt County in 1989, where he taught for 21 years at Eureka High School. There he developed environmental field science classes and organized 10 student “adventure education trips” to Belize and Guatemala. He’s birded in more than 20 countries, participated in the exploration of caves in Borneo that led to the formation of a national park, and enjoys sharing his love of insects and art on the Backcountry Press poster “Common Butterflies of Coastal Humboldt County.”  

This program was recorded. You may enjoy it on Zoom! using passcode uG!$W5=g

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Marsh Wren singing in Arcata Marsh

Photo by Ken Burton


Wednesday, October 19

Program at 7:00, social hour 6:30

“The Path to Sea Otter Reintroduction in Oregon”

by Frank Burris of the Elakha Alliance.

As a keystone species, sea otters profoundly affect the mix of species around them, including locally breeding seabirds. Burris will discuss Elakha Alliance’s mission to restore a healthy population of sea otters to the Oregon Coast and the research and plans for reintroduction. The program starts at 7 p.m. at the Six Rivers Masonic Lodge, 251 Bayside Road, Arcata.

Hot drinks and goodies will be served at 6:30 p.m. so bring a mug to enjoy shade-grown coffee. Please come fragrance-free.

This program was recorded. You can watch the recording here.  You will need to use this passcode: 


Wednesday, September 21

“The Natural History of the Seabirds of Trinidad and Humboldt”

Our presenter, Dr. Dan Barton, has observed a variety of change events – including extreme heat, eagle predation, raven harassment, and rising local sea levels – at colonies of seabirds around Humboldt Bay and Trinidad. Barton will share some of his observations, including aerial photo and video documentation of some of these events, largely through the lens of descriptive natural history.

Click here to watch the recording on ZOOM. 

A passcode is required:  7A^RLz6b

Pigeon guillemot with flat fish

Photo by Dan Barton

“Barn Owls and Winegrape Vineyard Relations”
with Matt Johnson

Can barn owls and farmers mutually benefit each other? Matt Johnson will speak about the research he and his graduate students have been conducting with barn owls on winegrape vineyards in California, tracing the lab's work to better understand a reciprocal relationship between farmers and owls. Specifically, he'll summarize how farmers can use nest boxes to attract owls to their land, how many rodents the owls kill and where they hunt, and how this relationship may also be good for owls.

Matt is a professor of Wildlife Habitat Ecology at Cal Poly Humboldt, where he has taught since 1999. Before coming to Humboldt, Matt grew up in the Central Valley of California, earned a BS in Wildlife at UC Davis and PhD in Ecology from Tulane University. His dissertation research took him to the tropics, which sparked an interest in research on how birds and people can mutually benefit each other.

He is especially interested in agricultural areas, and after many years of research on insect-eating birds and pests in tropical coffee farms, he is turning his attention to birds in California agriculture. He leads several graduate students at a time on a study of barn owls in winegrape vineyards, along with undergraduate assistants. His goal as an educator is to help students not only learn the skills necessary to become accomplished biologists, but also to foster an appreciation for how good land management practices can benefit both people and nature. As a researcher, his goal is to answer ecological questions that offer practical information for farmers interested in helping barn owls that can also help farmers.

This wonderful program was recorded. If you missed it, you can view it using the link below. You will need to use passcode dt?G60%Y

Watch the recording here!

Adult barn owl with vineyard behind him.
Photo by Allison Huysman

Photo of Bear Creek Greenway by Frank Lospalluto

Watch the recording here!

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Friday, March 11, 7:00 pm

Our March Program:“Birds and the Burn: Community-powered surveys to measure effects of fire and restoration on the birds of Bear Creek” with Sarah Rockwell and Nate Trimble, was recorded.


In September of 2020, multiple fires impacted much of the streamside habitat along the Bear Creek Greenway in Jackson County, Oregon. The Bear Creek Greenway is a 20-mile paved path that runs through a large swath of riparian habitat in an otherwise mostly urban part of the Rogue River Valley. It is an important community resource for both human recreation and wildlife habitat. Riparian vegetation is crucial for many bird species that rely on deciduous plants and nearby water to nest, survive the winter, or rest and refuel during migration.

Local conservation organizations and southern Oregon birdwatchers have come together to monitor changes in the Bear Creek bird community over time, including effects of the 2020 fires. The goal of the Bear Creek Community Bird Survey is to use bird populations as indicators of watershed health, and measure whether riparian areas along Bear Creek are improving through ongoing restoration efforts or continuing to degrade from factors like urban development or climate change. Sarah Rockwell (Klamath Bird Observatory) and Nate Trimble (Rogue Valley Audubon Society), two of the survey coordinators, will talk about this community-powered effort, how the data will be used, and the results so far (including 44,000 observations submitted to eBird!).


Dr. Sarah Rockwell is a Research Biologist at Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO) based in Ashland, Oregon. She joined KBO in 2013 after completing her Ph.D. at the University of Maryland and Smithso


Nate Trimble has a master’s degree in Wildlife Ecology from Texas State University and has worked as a field biologist and community science coordinator in southern Oregon and northern California for numerous bird research studies over the last 8 years, including riparian birds, Black-backed Woodpeckers, and Northern Spotted Owls. 


Sarah and Nate have a 16-month-old daughter named Willow, who has already participated in many Bear Creek bird surveys.


In case  you missed our December program, you can view the recording here.  Use passcode   ve++M5J*

“A Holiday Photo Contest and Summary of Winter Bird Counts”
with Andrew Orahoske and guests.

Covering all five regional Christmas Bird Counts, and other upcoming winter bird surveys, this program will also include an interactive photo contest with prizes. One photo entry per person. The deadline to submit your best bird photos to is December 8. 

Join us here!

Barn Owl Sitting on Camera  -  Photo from Shutterfly


Taza Schaming with recently banded nutcracker.
Photo Credit Anya Tyson

November's program, “Clark's Nutcrackers and Whitebark Pine: Pivotal Players in our Western Mountains” with Taza Schaming, was recorded. The link to watch is at the bottom of the program description.

Whitebark pine and Clark’s nutcrackers have a fascinating relationship: the trees provide rich, fatty seeds (with more calories per pound than chocolate), and the birds “plant” the trees’ seeds. A single bird may hide up to 98,000 seeds in a year. These food caches help the birds get through the winter, and the leftovers grow into new trees.

Taza Schaming has been investigating the impact of the decline of whitebark pine on Clark's nutcrackers, studying the stability and resilience of the Clark’s nutcracker-whitebark pine mutualism, to help ensure persistence of these species and the nutcracker’s seed dispersal function. She carries out her research in both the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and Washington’s Cascades, with the ultimate goal of determining which management actions will increase the persistence of nutcrackers throughout their range.

Watch the recording here

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October Program

The Marbled Murrelet is an endangered seabird that nests in old-growth, coastal forests from central California to Alaska, up to 50 miles inland. This seabird species has long challenged both scientists and land managers alike with its unique life history and secretive nature. With little known information about murrelet nesting in Oregon, public and private forest managers struggle with how to address the conservation of this species. Since 2017, Oregon State University scientists have been tracking this elusive species on its long journey from the ocean to the coastal forests, collecting data that will help to inform future policy on land management.

Jennifer Bailey Guerrero grew up exploring all that Oregon’s wild has to offer. From the coast to the mountains to the plains, she set out at a young age to spend as much time outdoors as possible, a passion that gradually evolved into a career in science. Jennifer received a Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Earth Science from Northern Colorado University in 2008 and a Master’s of Science in Biological Oceanography from the University of Rhode Island – Graduate School of Oceanography in 2012. She now serves as the program manager for the Oregon Marbled Murrelet Project and provides the ocean expertise for ongoing research efforts.

This program was recorded. You can view it here, using passcode !c1x!L4q

Our September 10, program featured two speakers, and was recorded!  Find the recording here and use the password 2Bm0GK to watch: 

Margo Robbins present “Traditional Fire Practices in a Contemporary Context,” and

Lenya Quinn-Davidson discuss “Bringing Prescribed Fire Back to the People.”

Margo Robbins is Executive Director of the Cultural Fire Management Council (CFMC), a 501 (c)(3) organization located on the upper Yurok Reservation in far Northern California, and co-founder and co-lead of the Indigenous People's Burn Network (IPBN), will discuss how these two entities are helping tribes revive their traditional burn practices.

The IPBN is a support network led by Native American people who are revitalizing their traditional fire cultures in a contemporary context.   The long-term goal of the IPBN is to assist indigenous nations across the U.S. and abroad to reclaim their traditional fire regimes.  Cultural practitioners of the Yurok, Hoopa, and Karuk tribes, in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy piloted this project which culminated in the creation of the Yurok, Hoopa, Karuk Healthy Country Plan which outlines a pathway for the three tribes to reclaim their traditional burn practices.  The CFMC is in the process of implementing the strategies outlined in the Yurok, Hoopa, Karuk Healthy Country Plan which include 1) Establish a family-led burn program, 2) Build local capacity, 3) Initiate Collaborative burning and learning opportunities, 4) Strengthen state and federal support of cultural burning.

The mission of the Cultural Fire Management Council is “to facilitate the practice of cultural burning on the Yurok Reservation and Ancestral lands, which will lead to a healthier ecosystem for all plants and animals, long term fire protection for residents, and provide a platform that will in turn support the traditional hunting and gathering activities of Yurok." Their long-term goal is to fully reclaim our sovereign right to use fire as a tool to restore Yurok ancestral territory to a healthy, viable ecosystem that supports the cultural lifeways of Yurok people

The CFMC has several strategies for achieving these goals. These include ongoing implementation of a cultural burn fire program, strengthening state and federal support of cultural burning, building local capacity, public outreach about good fire, and intergenerational transfer of knowledge. 

Margo graduated from Humboldt State University in 1987. Margo comes from the traditional Yurok village of Morek and is an enrolled member of the Yurok Tribe. She gathers and prepares traditional food and medicine and is a basket weaver and regalia maker. She is also the Indian Education Director for the Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified School district, a mom, and a grandma.


Margo Robbins at a burn on the upper Yurok Reservation - photo by Matt Mais

Lenya Quinn-Davidson, Area Fire Advisor for the University of California Cooperative Extension, will discuss recent efforts to bring prescribed fire back into the hands of landowners, community members, and cultural practitioners throughout California. Prescribed fire is used to increase biodiversity, reduce fire risk, and increase landscape and community resiliency, and recent catastrophic wildfire seasons have piqued national interest in increasing its use.

Lenya will share her community-based work in Humboldt County, as well as statewide policy and community organizing activities that are changing the face of prescribed fire throughout the West. Lenya’s primary focus is on the human connection with fire, and increasing the use of prescribed fire for habitat restoration, invasive species control, and ecosystem and community resiliency. Lenya works on prescribed fire issues at various scales, including locally in Humboldt County, where she works with private landowners to bring fire back as a land management tool; at the state level, where she collaborates on policy and research related to prescribed fire; and nationally, through her work and leadership on prescribed fire training exchanges (TREX).

Lenya received a Bachelor of Science from UC Berkeley and a Master of Arts in Social Science from Humboldt State University. She is passionate about using prescribed fire to inspire and empower people, from rural ranchers to agency leaders to young women pursuing careers in fire management, and everyone in between.

Lenya Quinn-Davidson at September Burn in Bear River  Photo by Thomas Stratton.


Watch the program here

Previous Programs

Changes in Nesting Bird Populations in the Los Angeles Area, 1995 - Present

Presented by Daniel S. Cooper, Ph.D.Research Associate in the Department of Ornithology at Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History and President of Cooper Ecological Monitoring, Inc.

Dan is a lifelong resident of southern California, and is regarded as an expert on the birds of the region. Through research and independent consulting, he has spent more than 20 years conducting surveys and analyzing bird populations from the deserts to the coast, including rare and protected species such as the California Gnatcatcher and the coastal Cactus Wren.


Red-shouldered hawk on a power pole

Photo Credit Nurit Katz

Watch the Recording

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Copyright © 2021 - Redwood Region Audubon Society

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The purposes and objectives of this corporation shall be to engage in such educational, scientific, investigative, literary, historical, philanthropic, and charitable pursuits as may be part of the stated purposes of the National Audubon Society, of which this corporation shall function as a Chapter.

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PO Box 1054 Eureka,

CA 95502

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Our program on 

Planned Restoration of Redwod and Prairie Creeks

by Mary Burke,

North Coast Regional Manager of Cal Trout,

was recorded.

Watch the Program Here!

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