Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge - Second Sunday of each month
Sunday, January 12, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Meet leader Ralph Bucher at the Visitor Center for this two-mile walk along a wide, flat trail that is packed gravel and easily accessible. Just outside of town, this refuge offers astounding and easy access to tidally-influenced habitats including mudflats, riparian vegetation, conifers, and a bay that hosts a variety of geese, raptors, shorebirds, and waders. Email Ralph to sign up at
Eureka Waterfront Trail - Third Sunday of each month
Sunday, January 19, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Join leader Ralph Bucher on this relatively urban trail that offers the potential to observe species abundance and diversity compared to many more remote locations. Watch out for cormorants, loons, grebes, and even otters diving for their meals in the bay alongside the trail. This walk is on a flat, paved trail that is wheelchair accessible. Email Ralph to sign up for this field trip at
thebook@reninet.comWigi Wetlands Volunteer Workday - Fourth Saturday of each month
Saturday, January 25, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Help create bird-friendly native habitats and restore a section of the bay trail by removing invasive plants (and trash.) We will be cutting seed heads, pulling small Scotch broom plants, and scattering seeds for native plants! The trail section is located behind the Bayshore Mall and volunteers will meet in the parking lot directly behind Walmart. We will provide tools, gloves, and packaged snacks. Please bring drinking water. Contact Susan Penn for questions or more information.
Southern Humboldt - Fourth Saturday of each month
Saturday, January 25, 8:30 am
This walk includes 2-3 miles of gentle walking through riparian, grassland, and mixed hardwood forests with bird species varying by season. Year-round residents we may observe include jays, towhees, woodpeckers, and several raptor species. Meet at the Tooby Park parking lot located 1 mile west of Garberville on Sprowl Creek Road. This trip occurs on the fourth Saturday of every month, generally starts around 8:30 a.m., and the leaders vary by month. Call Ann at 707-296-8720 for the correct start time or with any other questions.