Our Team

Redwood Region Audubon Society advocates for the protection of birds and wildlife by supporting local conservation efforts to protect wildlife and their habitat.

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President: Kathryn Wendel

Vice President: CJ Ralph

Immed. Past President: Gail Kenny

Secretary:  Jolian Kangas

Treasurer: Catherine McNally


Samantha Bacon

Ralph Bucher
Jim Clark
Gary Friedrichsen

Tony Kurtz
Sean McAllister

Eric Nelson

Chet Ogan


Conservation: Jim Clark & Chet Ogan
Education/Scholarships: Catherine McNally
Field Trips:Sean McAllister
Finance: Catherine McNally & Pia Gabriel

Membership: Ralph Bucher
Nominating: CJ Ralph, Hal Genger & Gail Kenny
Programs: Eric Nelson & CJ Ralph
Publications: CJ Ralph, Ken Burton, Ralph Bucher 
Publicity: Kate Rowe


Program Manager: Eric Nelson
Historian: Gary Friedrichsen
Lake Earl Branch: Tony Kurz
NEC Representative: CJ Ralph
The Sandpiper: CJ Ralph,  Gail Kenny, Judi Brown, Gina Rogers & Gary Bloomfield

Website Gatekeeper: Susan Penn

Facebook/Instagram: Kate Rowe
Volunteer Coordinator: Vacant
Arcata Marsh Walk Coordinator: Ken Burton

Our Purpose

The purposes and objectives of this corporation shall be to engage in such educational, scientific, investigative, literary, historical, philanthropic, and charitable pursuits as may be part of the stated purposes of the National Audubon Society, of which this corporation shall function as a Chapter.

Contact Us

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1054 Eureka,

CA 95502

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Copyright © 2021 - Redwood Region Audubon Society